Blogging with Caribbean Accents

Nicholas Laughlin, a Caribbean editor for Global Voices, gives an interesting synopsis of the recent roundtable discussion held at the Caribbean Studies Association’s (CSA) annual conference in Port of Spain, Trinidad last week. The discussion, “Global Voices, Caribbean Accents” drew bloggers and non-bloggers alike, covering topics such as the stereotypes of “Caribbeanness” on the web versus that of the real issues of the Caribbean, the demographics of the Caribbean blogosphere, and ways that Caribbean scholars can use blogs. I encourage you to read more about what Nicholas has to say and take a listen to the podcast “What does ‘Caribbean’ mean to you?”

I personally felt the need to forward his post on to colleagues of mine, Caribbean scholars living in South Florida, who perhaps had never conceptualized what blogs can do for them. I admit that as a big proponent of blogging, I too have focused more on the role that blogs can play for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profits. This is clearly evident when you look at our target audience for our upcoming seminar titled “The Business of Blogging: Enhancing Your Online Presence“.

The perspective presented by Nicholas and the team of experts which included Georgia Popplewell, also a Caribbean editor for Global Voices, opens the door to further discussion on the potential and value of blogging throughout the region.

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